Spring is on it's way so now is the time to get everything in order in preparation for next season's growth spurt.

Cut down ornamental grasses
As the first green shoots start to appear cut back ornamental grasses to the ground.

2. Divide and replant snowdrops 'in the green'
Divide large clumps of congested snowdrops and replant 'in the green' to create new drifts in the garden.
3. Prune late Summer flowering Clematis

Cut late flowering Clematis such as 'Jackmanii' and 'Comtesse du Bouchard' to 30cm from the ground to encourage vigorous growth later in the year.
4. Prune Winter flowering shrubs

Prune Winter flowering shrubs like Mahonia, Winter Jasmine (above) and Heathers after flowering
5. Transplant deciduous shrubs

Whilst they are dormant, move deciduous shrub that are in the wrong position
Enjoy the preparation for longer days in the garden to come.