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  • Writer's pictureSarah Kay

It's May - jobs for the garden this month

May is traditionally the busiest time in the garden and this year we've got some lovely weather so no excuses for not getting out there. Here's my 5 top jobs for this month.

1. Prune Spring flowering shrubs

Now shrubs like Forsythia have finished flowering, prune them back to a healthy bud to control their shape.

2. Tie in climbing plants

Tie new shoot of climbers into trellis wires or supports. Tieing in horizontally will encourage blooms as plants grow upwards towards the sun.

3. Mow your lawn weekly

4. Control Weeds

Hoe your flower beds weekly to stop weeds establishing or setting seed.

5. Lift and divide Spring flowering bulbs

Lift and divide any congested Spring flowering bulbs including tulip and daffodils.

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