I'm so pleased with the transformation of this small North facing East London garden into an Urban Sanctuary, which creates a feeling of secluded space whilst offering an abundance of visual features and wildlife friendly elements.

One of the key elements of the new design was the replacement of an imposing Bay tree and Bamboo with an elegant and airy Betula utilis jacquemontii in the back left corner. This has allowed more light into the garden and created a striking focal point.
The fencing was also replaced with Jackson's Venetian fencing which allows light through creating beautiful morning and evening shadows in the garden.
A 45 degree angle design informed the patio design, with Jura Beige Limestone from London Stone providing a simple and elegant seating space.

Corten steel detailing with a privacy screen hiding a compost bin, and the edging for the raised back beds was repeated with four rounded planters in front of the front beds. The colours in the steel were also echoed in the planting with Heuchera marmalade and the bronze tints in the Anemanthele lessoniana.
With just a curved top metal mirror and lighting to go in, I look forward to seeing this garden develop over time.