I wanted the planting in this South facing front garden to follow a strong colour theme to echo it's elegant Edwardian facade. I chose purple and lime green foliage with white flowers.

Privacy from the road is created with a Fagus sylvatica 'Purpurea' (Purple beech) hedge which holds it's leaves all year round. This is underplanted with shade loving Asplenium and Polystichum ferns and Luzula nivea grasses. A focal point Acer palmatum 'Garnet' complements the hedging and is surrounded by evergreen grasses including Carex 'Evergold ' and Ophiopogon 'Nigrescens' and dark leaved Geranium pratense 'Black n white'.

The right and left sides of the garden are mirrored with Alchemilla mollis and Hakonechloa macra either side of the bin store and underplanting the existing Lingustrum hedging.

The bed next to the porch will contain a Trachelospernum jasminoide (evergreen Jasmine) which will grow up and around the porch and is surrounded by a Hebe 'Red Edge' and more dark coloured Geranium and grasses.
This will be a very visually striking but elegant front garden.