I'm so pleased that the size and access to one of my clients gardens - my E2 Canalside Planting project - allows me to continue to maintain it during the lock down.

I designed the planting for this canal side communal garden in 2017 so it is just celebrating it's third year. My design sought to use planting in the 4 existing large raised beds as both a focal point for the garden and a natural semi-transparent screen between the flats and the canal and surrounding architecture. I wanted to create a naturalistic scheme with height and movement key to the success of the planting.
Cornus Elegantissima 'Alba' and Calamagrostis 'brachytricha' provide the height in each bed and soften the existing Phormiums and Berberis. These photos show how the plants have matured to create a lush, constantly evolving garden.

Although there is all year round interest in this garden, with the colourful stems of the Cornus, the seed heads of the Calamagrostis and early Narcissus retaining interest throughout the Winter, late Spring/early Summer and Autumn are my favourite times in this garden.

In May/June the Alliums and Luzula make way for the Astrantia, Geraniums and Lavendar creating a wonderful pops of colour throughout the swathes of grasses.

In Autumn the blushing pink seeds heads of the Calamagrostis rise above the planting and sway in the breeze and the Japanese Anemones flower profusely.

Last year I felt the garden was missing some early Spring and mid Summer herbaceous colour so I added some Bergenias and Geranium Rozanne whose flowers last well into the Autumn. I look forward to seeing these plants establish this year.
