Following on from my post last week, this week was all about the planting. The existing Betula had been transplanted and new Ilex 'Nellie Stevens' planted by my landscapers and they were joined by two mature Pittosporum 'Elizabeth' to complement the existing Pittosporum and create a woodland feeling in this part of the garden.

The sunny side of the garden includes plants which link to the main garden (Hylotelephium herbestrfreude, Salvia 'Caradonna') and some striking shrubs for Winter colour (Cornus siberica and Nandina Domestica)

As you can see from the images above the Woodland Garden is now a lovely secluded spot for a morning coffee or lunch in the sun.

The position of the shed has been moved with the doors opening to the back of the garden. This creates an additional vertical space to grow fragrant and colourful climbers including Trachelospernum jasminoides and Clematis 'Hagley Hybrid'. These are surrounded by partial shade loving woodland plants including Astrantia major, Euphorbia robbiae and Geranium phaeum.

This final image shows how the Woodland Garden now sits alongside the main garden. By using similar hard landscaping materials and some repeated plants, the new garden has continuity with the existing but has it's own secluded personality with the trees and woodland understory linking to the wider landscape beyond.
Thank you to all my collaborators on this project, Acacia Gardens for the excellent hard landscaping, Karen Edmonds for her amazing planting assistance and Majestic Trees and Provender Nurseries for the lovely plants.