I was approached a few months ago by a client in Stoke Newington who wanted to improve the planting in their back garden, which had been recently landscaped to increase the size of the planting areas and create a smaller patio space.
This N16 back garden is surrounded by a woodland to the back which contains mature trees and so I took this borrowed landscape as the inspiration for the new planting design, giving the space a loose woodland feel and maximing the views from the kitchen through the patio doors and a large picture window.
The beds near the house are in all day shade and so existing Cornus elegantissima, Viburnum plicatum and Mahonia 'Soft Caress' will be supported by ferns and shade loving ground covers including Ajuga and Brunnera. Astrantia, Hellebores and Thalictrum will provide height in these beds.
An Acer 'Bi Ho' will be the striking focal point in the picture window with it's four season display starting with light green foliage edged with salmon pink, turning mid green in Summer, yellow and red in Autumn leaving yellowy orange stems in the Winter. This colour sequence is reflected in the planting with white, yellow and orange tones featuring alongside the blues of the Ajuga, Vinca and Brunnera flowers.

On the left hand side of the garden the centre bed is in full sun or partial shade with the evergreen forms of Anemanthele lessoniana, Rosmarinus officinalis,Salvia purpurea, Euphoribia robbaie punctuated with tall herbeaous perennials including Verbena bonariensis, Geum 'Totally Tangerine', Iris 'Benton Nigel' and Salvia 'Caradonna'. Around the garden the path edges are softened with Hakonechloa, Luzula nivea and Erigeron karvinskianus.
A multi stem Amelanchier will provide a 3 season interest view from the kitchen doors and will link to the trees beyond the boundaries.

These artists impressions show the views from the kitchen compared to the existing views.

I'm hoping to plant this in late August/early September so watch this space for progress.