I'm really pleased with the establishment of my Canal side planting design for a communal garden in E2, planted in 2017.
I wanted to create a continually evolving planting scheme which would make the terrace feel like a garden rather than a series of planters. I used the height of Cornus alba 'Elegantissima' and Calamagrostis 'Brachytricha' to support and soften the existing Phormiums and Berberis and dissect the area between the apartment block and the canal.
The beds at the South end of the terrace receive more sun but are still in shade for most of the afternoon. Some of the original plants (Sarcococca, Choisya) did not survive mainly due to too much sun and not enough water during the first year. Most of the plants have thrived, especially the Hebes and the Astrantias, particularly this year with an extremely wet May.

The beds on the North side of the terrace are in shade for much more of the day and dominated by the existing Phormiums. Calamagrostis 'Brachytricha' and Anemone x hybrida 'Honorine Jobert' are used to soften the Phormiums and Bergenias and Geraniums were planted in 2019 to add some Spring/Summer colour.

I look forward to seeing the planting develop into Summer with Geranium, Lavender and Erigeron coming into flower, followed by the Anemones and Calamagrostis in the Autumn.
Watch this space!